
Press release

The latest news, product releases and updates from our press release archive.



Lectra Observatory devotes its third white paper to the sustainable transformation of the fashion industry

The Lectra Observatory, which studies innovation and change in the fashion, furniture and automotive markets, has published its third white paper on sustainability in the fashion industry. It provides an overview of the market, its current and future challenges, and identifies emerging technological trends.

Be Camaïeu chooses Lectra's AI-based Retviews solution

Recently relaunched by Celio, the Be Camaïeu brand has chosen to digitize its market intelligence and competitive analysis using Retviews. This artificial intelligence-based solution is supplied by Lectra, the strategic partner of fashion players who want to accelerate their digital transformation and transition to Industry 4.0. By analyzing market data in real time, Retviews enables Be Camaïeu to optimize the positioning of its collections to ensure their success with consumers.

Lectra strengthens Printemps' omnichannel digital strategy on fashion marketplaces with its Neteven platform

Lectra announces its collaboration with the Printemps group, one of France's leading retailers in the fashion, luxury, beauty and lifestyle sectors. The group now uses the Neteven platform for three of its e-commerce banners - Printemps, Place des Tendances and Made In Design.

Lectra announces a strategic partnership with Six Atomic

The Group aims to leverage Artificial Intelligence to rethink product design and development in fashion.