




From economic downturn to disruption: Best practices to build resilience via the cutting room

1.5 hours

A NEW series of webinars designed to connect you with our experts. 

Leaders in fashion production companies play a pivotal role in guiding their organizations to thrive amidst economic challenges. It's not just about cost-cutting for them; it's also about fostering long-term growth and enhancing value for employees, particularly during periods of economic slowdown. As a leader in manufacturing within your organization, you hold the power to transform challenges into opportunities. Are you equipped to pinpoint the cost culprits impacting your bottom line?

In this webinar, discover: 

  • Lectra’s unmatched offer for the fashion industry
  • State of the fashion industry for 2024
  • Strategies to ensure growth, preserve profit margins, and best sustainability practices
  • 5 best practices to build a resilient cutting room
  • Live demonstrations of Lectra’s Vector and Fashion on Demand solutions
Ask Me Anything Webinar Series

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