
Listen to our employee testimonials


Discover Celine's testimonial


Céline joined Lectra in 2021 and works within the import-export department for industrial operations as a Customs Assistant. In this short video, she explains what her role consists in and shares one of her greatest achievements within Lectra. 


Discover Julien's testimonial


 Julien joined Lectra six years ago as a UX Designer. He has evolved since and now holds the position of Customer Experience Design Manager within the Customer Success department. Watch the video to understand the role and objectives of his team.


Discover Quentin's testimonial


Quentin is a Mechatronics Architect and works within Lectra's equipment R&D team. His team is in charge of developing and improving existing products by integrating innovative solutions. Watch the short video to discover Quentin's daily life at Lectra.